Sunday,  Sept. 29, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 76 • 44 of 49

(Continued from page 43)

• Democrats -- Courtney, N; DeLauro, N; Esty, N; Himes, N; Larson, N.
• Democrats -- Carney, N.
• Democrats -- Brown, N; Castor, N; Deutch, N; Frankel, N; Garcia, N; Grayson, N; Hastings, N; Murphy, N; Wasserman Schultz, N; Wilson, N.
• Republicans -- Bilirakis, Y; Buchanan, Y; Crenshaw, Y; DeSantis, Y; Diaz-Balart, Y; Mica, Y; Miller, Y; Nugent, Y; Posey, Y; Radel, Y; Rooney, Y; Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Ross, Y; Southerland, Y; Webster, Y; Yoho, Y; Young, Y.
• Democrats -- Barrow, N; Bishop, N; Johnson, N; Lewis, N; Scott, David, N.
• Republicans -- Broun, Y; Collins, Y; Gingrey, Y; Graves, Y; Kingston, Y; Price, Y; Scott, Austin, Y; Westmoreland, Y; Woodall, Y.
• Democrats -- Gabbard, N; Hanabusa, N.
• Republicans -- Labrador, Y; Simpson, Y.
• Democrats -- Bustos, N; Davis, Danny, N; Duckworth, N; Enyart, N; Foster, N; Gutierrez, N; Kelly, N; Lipinski, N; Quigley, N; Rush, X; Schakowsky, N; Schneider, N.
• Republicans -- Davis, Rodney, Y; Hultgren, Y; Kinzinger, Y; Roskam, Y; Schock, Y; Shimkus, Y.
• Democrats -- Carson, N; Visclosky, X.
• Republicans -- Brooks, Y; Bucshon, Y; Messer, Y; Rokita, Y; Stutzman, Y; Walorski, Y; Young, Y.
• Democrats -- Braley, N; Loebsack, N.
• Republicans -- King, Y; Latham, Y.
• Republicans -- Huelskamp, Y; Jenkins, Y; Pompeo, Y; Yoder, Y.
• Democrats -- Yarmuth, N.
• Republicans -- Barr, Y; Guthrie, Y; Massie, Y; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, Y.

(Continued on page 45)

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