Sunday,  Sept. 29, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 76 • 43 of 49

(Continued from page 42)

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

House Roll Call: Govt funding linked to health law
The Associated Press

• The 231-192 roll call Sunday by which the House passed a measure funding the government through Dec. 15, delaying for one year a key part of the Affordable Care Act and repealing a tax on medical devices.
• A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.
• Voting yes were 2 Democrats and 229 Republicans.
• Voting no were 190 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
• X denotes those not voting.
• There are 3 vacancies in the 435-member House.
• Democrats -- Sewell, N.
• Republicans -- Aderholt, Y; Bachus, Y; Brooks, Y; Roby, Y; Rogers, Y.
• Republicans -- Young, Y.
• Democrats -- Barber, N; Grijalva, N; Kirkpatrick, N; Pastor, N; Sinema, N.
• Republicans -- Franks, Y; Gosar, Y; Salmon, Y; Schweikert, Y.
• Republicans -- Cotton, Y; Crawford, Y; Griffin, Y; Womack, Y.
• Democrats -- Bass, N; Becerra, N; Bera, N; Brownley, N; Capps, N; Cardenas, N; Chu, N; Costa, N; Davis, X; Eshoo, N; Farr, N; Garamendi, N; Hahn, N; Honda, N; Huffman, N; Lee, N; Lofgren, N; Lowenthal, N; Matsui, N; McNerney, N; Miller, George, N; Napolitano, N; Negrete McLeod, N; Pelosi, X; Peters, N; Roybal-Allard, N; Ruiz, N; Sanchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, N; Sherman, N; Speier, N; Swalwell, N; Takano, N; Thompson, N; Vargas, N; Waters, N; Waxman, N.
• Republicans -- Calvert, Y; Campbell, Y; Cook, Y; Denham, Y; Hunter, Y; Issa, Y; LaMalfa, Y; McCarthy, Y; McClintock, Y; McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, Y; Rohrabacher, Y; Royce, Y; Valadao, Y.
• Democrats -- DeGette, N; Perlmutter, N; Polis, N.
• Republicans -- Coffman, Y; Gardner, Y; Lamborn, Y; Tipton, Y.

(Continued on page 44)

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