Saturday,  Sept. 28, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 75 • 8 of 50

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look at the ground to get the ball, taking your eyes off the defense. By the time he brings his eyes back up, he sees the defense and has to scramble."
The highlight for Groton on that drive was Reilly Ell having a 30 yard catch and a facemask penalty on Sioux Valley. Groton ended up punting and Sioux Valley took over on their own 20 yard line.
• Sioux Valley punted and Groton took over on its own 39 yard line. Knecht had a first down catch to the 50 yard line. Later, Rossow connected with Krueger for a big play and a first down.  Albrecht had a first down catch. Then with 43 seconds left in the game, Reilly Ell caught the ball right at the edge of the endzone to tie the game 20. Milbrandt kicked the PAT and Groton took a 21-20 lead.
• Sioux Valley took over on its own 43

Jackson Doeden gets a first down early in the third quarter. (Photo #6942 by Paul Kosel)

yard line with 32 seconds left. The Cossacks got in trouble and the quarterback threw the ball out of bounds to prevent a sack and it was second and 10 with 25 seconds left. A completed pass gave the Cossacks a first down and the ball at the Groton 35 yard line with 17 seconds left. There was an incomplete pass to stop the clock at nine seconds. The Cossacks got a first down and called time with three seconds left and the ball at the Groton 16 yard line. "We knew they had a time out left and I knew they would use it," Wanner said. "I told everyone they were not going to

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