Saturday,  Sept. 28, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 75 • 13 of 50

(Continued from page 12)

lowing information: a cover letter detailing why you would like a nomination to a service academy; a list of extracurricular activities, honors, awards, employment and current coursework; a high school transcript; ACT and/or SAT scores; a minimum of three letters of recommendation and any copies of correspondence you've received from the academies.
• I'm proud to say that all applicants receive an interview with my academy nomination board. Interviews are held the first Saturday in December in both Sioux Falls and Rapid City. We are also able to conduct phone interviews if you are unable to interview in-person due to circumstances beyond your control.
• Nomination applications are due on October 31st so it's important to get started now if you haven't already! I encourage applicants to submit applications to all three Congressional offices in order to better their chances of receiving a nomination. Academies make the final decision on acceptance and announce appointments next spring.
• I would also like to publicly thank the following eleven South Dakotans who serve on my academy nomination boards. I truly appreciate the fact that each one not only gives up a full day of their spare time to meet with applicants, but many also travel long distances to be there. These individuals have a vested interest and passion in selecting our nation's next generation of leaders and have extensive experience in education, business and the military.
• East River Academy Board: Annie Falk of Aberdeen, Dr. Blake Curd of Sioux Falls, Teddi Mueller of Sioux Falls, Cameron Corey of Watertown, Ken Bjur of Aberdeen, Glen Herrick of Sioux Falls.
• West River Academy Board: Dan Hunter of Rapid City, Lynn Kendall of Black Hawk, Mike Pelly of Rapid City, Gayle Thom of Rapid City, Scott Odenbach of Spearfish.
• Spread the word about this incredible opportunity and please don't hesitate to reach out to my office if we can answer any additional questions about the academy application process.

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