Saturday,  Sept. 21, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 68 • 6 of 40

The left photo features Jackson Doeden catching the ball from Parker Rossow to score on a 15 yard pass play in the second quarter to give Groton a 7-0 lead. The right photo features Rossow holding the ball as Jacob Milbrandt kicks the PAT. (Photos #6883-84 by Paul Kosel)

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break for us," Wanner said. "I knew they would keep pounding away at us." The Pheasants had four first downs on the drive before Landon Rohlfs scored on a four-yard run with 4:20 left in the game. The PAT run was good this time and the Pheasants took a 21-14 lead.
• Parker Rossow connected with Mason Madsen for a first down and a roughing-the-passer penalty on Redfield-Doland added 15 yards to Groton's run. It was second and three when an illegal substitution penalty was called on Groton, now mak

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