Friday,  Sept. 20, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 67 • 42 of 44

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• "Yeah, it was different," Reid said. "I was on the opposite side of the field than I normally am at. But I can't tell you that I was caught up in that part of it."
• The result was similar to what he gave Philadelphia in his 14 years in charge of the Eagles, thanks to a dynamic Chiefs defense that forced five turnovers and sacked a harried Michael Vick five times. Vick even limped off after a late fumble -- he said his ankle got rolled, but he was fine -- but stayed around to hug Reid following the final play.

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Friday, Sept. 20, the 263rd day of 2013. There are 102 days left in the year.

• Today's Highlight in History:
• On Sept. 20, 1962, James Meredith, a black student, was blocked from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by Democratic Gov. Ross R. Barnett. (Meredith was later admitted.)

• On this date:
• In 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew set out from Spain on five ships to find a western passage to the Spice Islands. (Magellan was killed enroute, but one of his ships eventually circled the world.)
• In 1870, Italian troops took control of the Papal States, leading to the unification of Italy.
• In 1873, panic swept the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in the wake of railroad bond defaults and bank failures.
• In 1884, the National Equal Rights Party was formed during a convention of suffragists in San Francisco; the convention nominated Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood for president.
• In 1911, the British liner RMS Olympic collided with the Royal Navy cruiser HMS Hawke off the Isle of Wight; although seriously damaged, the Olympic was able to return to Southampton under its own power.
• In 1947, former New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia died.
• In 1958, Martin Luther King Jr. was seriously wounded during a book signing at a New York City department store when Izola Curry stabbed him in the chest. (Curry

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