Wednesday,  Sept. 18, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 65 • 14 of 42

News from the

SD store settles with fired transgender employee

• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- A Rapid City grocery store has settled with an employee who claimed she was fired for being a transgender.
• Cori McCreery says she was fired in 2010 from Don's Valley Market after she announced she was transitioning from being a man to being a woman. McCreery had worked at the store on and off for five years and at one point had held a supervisory position.
• McCreery filed a discrimination complaint and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigated. The EEOC says the store has agreed to pay McCreery $50,000 and apologize to her.
• The store also must develop an anti-discrimination policy and provide anti-discrimination training annually for employees.
• Store owner Don Turner tells KOTA-TV he settled to avoid a costly legal fight and does not admit guilt.

Wanted: Ideas on how to celebrate SD statehood

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakotans are being asked for ideas on how the state should celebrate 125 years of statehood next year.
• Gov. Dennis Daugaard invited people to give public testimony at 1 p.m. Wednesday in Pierre at the Capitol visitor center where the commission organizing the celebrations is meeting.
• People can also make suggestions to the 125th Anniversary Commission at, email or call 605-773-5689.
• Commission members on Wednesday will also discuss ideas that have already been proposed, possible joint efforts with North Dakota and potential statewide events.

South Dakota Festival of Books coming to Deadwood

• DEADWOOD, S.D. (AP) -- The 2013 South Dakota Festival of Books comes to Deadwood this weekend.
• The event running Thursday through Sunday will allow thousands of book lovers and readers to meet authors, poets, playwrights, book reviewers and media person

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