Tuesday,  Sept. 17, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 64 • 7 of 46

(Continued from page 6)

against them. That is very untrue." He said that he did not appreciate the rumor and has figured out where it came from. "If I have something to say, I'll say it to your face. That's the type of guy I am." He said he had talked with Jerry Johnson and Alan Strom and is not objecting to the dryer.
• Janae Hughes came before the council to talk about the Carnival of Silver Skates. The event next year is planned for January 26 and the theme is, "A Night at the Movies." She said the only concern she had was that there was discussion about closing the skating rink over noon hour.  The council assured her that the skating rink will be open over noon hour.
• Someone has reportedly dumping grass east of Sixth Street on 13th Avenue. Mayor Scott Hanlon said that is not the appropriate place to dump grass and would appreciate whoever is doing it to stop doing it. "We don't need to create any drainage issues with the township," he said.
• Councilman Mary Fliehs wants some trees on the north end of the cemetery. "I understand they don't want the big trees with leaves, but I think we could put some pine trees on the north edge." Some little ones could be planted on the north and south side, or perhaps some of the trees that were planted years ago on the east side could be moved to those locations.

• - Paul Kosel

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