Tuesday,  Sept. 17, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 64 • 6 of 46

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positioned. The plans submitted by Clark Engineering had the front of the mailboxes six inches from the curb. The Groton Postmaster said that was not acceptable to postal code and that the front of the mailboxes needed to be flush with the curb, so they were moved six inches, at the expense of Clark Engineering.
• The well for the golf course has been stalled. The truck broke down and they are waiting for the welldriller to return. McGannon asked if the school had contributed to the well project and Lowary said the school paid $11,000 for the capping of the old school wellhouse.
• Greg Anderson was the only bidder on the Ranger Pickup. He submitted a bid of $280 which was accepted by the council.
• Heartland Consumers Power District awarded the city a grant for $1,500 that was used for the purchase of more energy efficient lights in the main city shop.
• There was discussion on the new dryer going in at the Johnson/Strom elevator along Sixth Street. There was a hearing at the last Planning and Zoning Commission to allow for a new dryer to be put in. It was discovered at the hearing that the area is zoned C2 and no longer zoned industrial. That means a hearing was not necessary. Councilman Gary Heitmann said he would like to see a noise decibel taken in the neighborhood prior to the dryers being installed and one taken while they are running to see what the difference is. City Attorney Drew Johnson said that a C2 zone has no stipulation for noise level. It was mentioned that the new dryer would make less noise than the old dryer. Councilman Eddy Opp then went on record saying, "There was a rumor going around town that I was circulating a petition

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