Saturday,  Sept. 14, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 61 • 45 of 48

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tests of Pena Nieto's proposals for a steep tax hike and profits-sharing contracts for private companies in the state-owned oil industry. Both the tax and oil proposals have drawn howls of opposition.
• Friday's massive raid by thousands of police against the teachers was a dramatic reassertion of state authority after weeks of near-constant disruption in the center of one of the world's largest cities. The teachers have marched through the capital at least 15 times over the last two months.
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With a piece of history in the book, Furyk now sets his sights on winning

• LAKE FOREST, Ill. (AP) -- Before he could take his place in PGA Tour history with a 59, Jim Furyk had to get in the right frame of mind.

• And that wasn't easy.
• He was grouchy after the opening round of the BMW Championship. The day that began over breakfast with two friends who are on the Presidents Cup, a stinging reminder that Furyk was left off an American team for the first time in 15 years. Then, he opened with a 72 at Conway Farms and already was nine shots out of the lead.
• "I kind of kicked myself in the rear end and said, 'You know, it's done with. There's nothing I can do to change it now. It's

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