Saturday,  Sept. 14, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 61 • 43 of 48

(Continued from page 42)

• Flare-ups could complicate search for the cause of fire that destroyed NJ boardwalk businesses
• SEASIDE PARK, N.J. (AP) -- Continuing hot spots could hamper investigators trying to figure out the cause of a fire that charred four blocks of bars, pizza shops and T-shirt stands -- perhaps 50 businesses in all -- on a Jersey shore boardwalk that still was trying to recover from Superstorm Sandy.
• The initial problem is spots where flames could keep flaring up among the rubble from the blaze that shot fireballs 50 feet into the sky Thursday night before crews got it contained.
• In a news briefing Friday, Gov. Chris Christie said it would be "irresponsible for any of us to speculate" what sparked the fire that is believed to have started in or near a frozen custard stand.

• He said the firefighters working on spraying down any flare-ups are also doing their best to preserve evidence for the fire investigation team that's trying to piece together just what happened.
• In the meantime, plans to rebuild again already are in the works.
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UAE leads Gulf pact with Egypt's new leaders: Cash and crackdowns on Muslim Brotherhood

• DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- More than six

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