Friday,  Sept.. 13, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 60 • 33 of 46

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• Until then, Voyager 1 is "the little spacecraft that could," said mission project manager Suzanne Dodd of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "We keep on going."

Palace: Prince William ends active military career
GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press

• LONDON (AP) -- There will be no more perilous military helicopter missions for Prince William in the rugged mountainous terrain of northern Wales.
• With the military's announcement Thursday that he has completed the operational phase of his career, William looks free to spend more time with his wife, Kate, and their 2-month-old son, Prince George, while he takes on more royal engage

ments and charity roles.
• The move marks the end of an exciting phase in the prince's life -- he became adept at piloting a Sea King helicopter in foul weather, helping mountaineers in distress and rescuing mariners in the frigid waters of the Irish Sea. His active military career, a traditional rite of passage for senior royals, lasted more than seven years, first in the Army and then in the Royal Air Force.
• Air Chief Marshal Andrew Pulford said William had been an

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