Wednesday,  Sept.. 11, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 58 • 11 of 35

(Continued from page 10)

If you weren't able to make it but hear of another such opportunity in the future, don't miss it!!  You will surely be as impressed as we were!
• Don spent the weekend in Claremont and after the fish fry we went to the movie in Britton. I absolutely love everything about the Strand Theater.  Everyone working there is friendly.  The seating is comfortable and the popcorn could quite possibly be the best popcorn you will ever eat and I don't even order mine buttered!
• Mom's yard now has five less dead trees as a result of Don's weekend stay.  He may just earn the Lumber Jack of the Year Award if he's not careful!  He is rarely idle when the sun is up and he's sure made some positive changes in the landscape surrounding the Patterson home.  I have a few more gray hairs after my weekend assumption but they're not really all that noticable and life as I know it, is pretty awesome.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  I look forward to receiving your news for next week's column.  I attended the presentation by VJ Smith in Langford on Monday evening, September 9th and I guess the one thing I took away from what he had to say was the fact that people are becoming less grateful and the words "thank you" are used way less than they should be.  Because I agree with him I am going to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to all of you that do share your news with me.  I really do appreciate it!

Golf Cart Incident in Andover

A Trooper stopped a golf cart in Andover on Friday night for driving on the roadway after dark with no lights. The Trooper noticed impairment and conducted a DUI investigation. The driver failed Field Sobriety Tests and was arrested for DUI. A search of his person revealed a small homemade pipe used to smoke marijuana. The driver was charged accordingly. The next night the golf cart was stopped yet again for driving on the roadway after dark with no lights. In the passenger seat was the same man arrested the night before for DUI. He was intoxicated and had an open container. The golf cart was parked and the violation of Bond Conditions were forwarded to the Day County States Attorney.

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