Tuesday,  Sept.. 10, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 57 • 33 of 36

(Continued from page 32)

Police chief: Zimmerman's wife backtracks on gun threat, won't press charges against him

• LAKE MARY, Fla. (AP) -- The 911 call seemed frantic: George Zimmerman's sobbing estranged wife said he was threatening her and her father with a gun and she feared for her life. Please come.
• Hours later Monday, after police converged on the home in an Orlando suburb and after speaking to her attorney, she changed her story, said Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell. She said she never saw a gun and that she and her father, whom she said Zimmerman had punched in the face, had no interest in pressing charges.
• Police later said they did not find a gun on Zimmerman's person.
• The encounter Monday was the latest in a string of incidents in which Zimmerman has landed in the news since his acquittal on July 13 of all charges for fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Besides the divorce filing, he's twice been pulled over on suspicion of speeding, ticketed once. He's also appeared in photos at a gun maker that were published online and assisted members of a family from their vehicle following a car wreck.
• Monday's dispute involving the Zimmermans isn't uncommon for a couple in the midst of a divorce, said his attorney, Mark O'Mara, who led the defense team that secured the jury's not-guilty verdict. He said his client never threatened anyone with a gun and never punched his father-in-law.
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NAACP launching search for new leader after Benjamin Jealous announces plans to step down

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- The next president of the nation's largest and oldest civil rights group needs to be energetic, charismatic and willing to make a personal sacrifice, NAACP leaders say.
• The group's board is beginning its search for a successor to outgoing President and CEO Benjamin Jealous, who announced this week that he will step down at the end of the year. The NAACP board is forming a search committee and plans to meet in late October to plan for the leadership change.
• "My concern is identifying somebody who is energetic, familiar with this digital

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