Sunday,  Sept.. 08, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 55 • 17 of 32

News from the

SD Wounded Knee Museum reopens a year after fire

• WALL, S.D. (AP) -- A year after a fire destroyed the Wounded Knee Museum in Wall, it has reopened in a new location in the western South Dakota city.
• An electrical malfunction was blamed for the Sept. 2, 2012, fire the destroyed the museum and also took 30 museum exhibits linked to the Wounded Knee massacre of 1890.
• Co-founder Steve Wyant tells the Rapid City Journal ( ) that insurance did not come close to covering the loss, but he says some items that survived the blaze are now housed in a new museum in downtown Wall.
• The museum also has a few new features, such as an enhanced, photographic reproduction of a historic treaty.
• The museum is dedicated to the December 1890 massacre in which 300 Lakota people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers.

Hot, dry weather could affect corn, soy yields
DIRK LAMMERS, Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The hot, dry weather persisting in most areas of South Dakota is likely to hurt soybean and corn yields, analysts say, as the crops are less mature than during a typical summer.
• Lisa Elliott, a commodity marketing specialist with the South Dakota State University Department of Economics, said the August weather has likely affected crops that are lagging behind in maturity.
• The soybean markets are already anticipating lower yields, as September contracts have jumped from about $12 to near $14.50 during the past month on the Chicago Board of Trade.
• "The market expects it to go down," Elliott said. "The question is how much will it most likely go down on those yields."
• Commodity Weather Group, which tracks weather relevant to the agriculture and energy industries, lowered its South Dakota corn yield projection 4 percent from its July estimate to 146.1 bushels per acre and its soybean yield projection 12 percent from its July estimate to 34.9 bushels per acre.
• "The very dry pattern in recent weeks has taken a toll on the pod set and fill for

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