Friday,  Sept.. 06, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 53 • 4 of 32

(Continued from page 3)

plus property for disposal [Mr. Weber will provide an itemized list at the meeting on Monday night.]
• 2. Approve fixed price gas contract for 2013-2014 with NorthWestern Energy Gas Supply at a rate of $0.506/therm, based on 2012-2013 usage.
• 3. Amend contract for Anne Zoellner from BS+15 to BS+30 with salary increase of $300.
• 4. Amend contract for Shauna Remily from BS+15 to BS+30 with salary increase of $300.
• 5. Amend contract for Lynette Grieve from BS+15 to BS+30 with salary increase of $300.
• 6. Amend contract for Sarah Hanten from BS to BS+15 with salary increase of $600.
• 7. Amend work agreement for Lois Krueger by 1.25 hours/day @ $9.00/hour for special education transportation.
• 8. Amend work agreement for John Lowary by 1.5 hours/day @ $9.00/hour for special education transportation.
• 9. Amend work agreement for Linda McInerney by 2.75 hours/day @ $9.00/hour for special education and junior kindergarten transportation.
• 10. Amend work agreement for Lena Cox by 2.25 hours/day @ $9.00/hour for special education and junior kindergarten transportation.
• 11. Amend work agreement for Randy Hjermstad by 2.75 hours/day @ $9.00/hour for special education transportation.
• 12. Acknowledge receipt of Public School Exemption #13-03: Grade K

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