Wednesday,  Sept.. 04, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 51 • 33 of 35

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• Armstrong's attorneys objected to those demands in court documents, arguing the former cyclist already has acknowledged cheating and that Acceptance is engaged in a "harassing, malicious ... fishing expedition" intended to "make a spectacle of Armstrong's doping."
• Travis County District Judge Tim Sulak last week ordered Armstrong to provide documents and written answers to a series of questions by the end of September. The case has been set for trial in April 2014.

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Wednesday, Sept. 4, the 247th day of 2013. There are 118 days left in the year. Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, begins at sunset.

• Today's Highlight in History:
• On September 4, 1888, George Eastman received a patent for his roll-film box camera, and registered his trademark: "Kodak."

• On this date:
• In 1781, Los Angeles was founded by Spanish settlers under the leadership of Governor Felipe de Neve.
• In 1886, a group of Apache Indians led by Geronimo (also known as Goyathlay, "One Who Yawns") surrendered to Gen. Nelson Miles at Skeleton Canyon in Arizona.
• In 1893, English author Beatrix Potter first told the story of Peter Rabbit in the form of a "picture letter" to Noel Moore, the son of Potter's former governess.
• In 1917, the American Expeditionary Forces in France suffered their first fatalities during World War I when a German plane attacked a British-run base hospital.
• In 1948, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands abdicated after nearly six decades of rule for health reasons.
• In 1951, President Harry S. Truman addressed the nation from the Japanese peace treaty conference in San Francisco in the first live, coast-to-coast television broadcast.
• In 1957, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus used Arkansas National Guardsmen to prevent nine black students from entering all-white Central High School in Little Rock. Ford Motor Co. began selling its ill-fated Edsel.
• In 1962, The Beatles, with new drummer Ringo Starr, recorded "Love Me Do" at

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