Thursday,  Aug. 29, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 45 • 6 of 29

High School Building getting hot

• Just when Superintendent Joe Schwan had a good plan for keeping the elementary students in cooler environments, the heat turned on the high school building. "It's getting too hot over here," he said. "It was a good thing the sun didn't come out any earlier yesterday. We're starting to see the effects of the heat on the kids and staff. The high school building is just not cooling down at night."
• Yesterday, some of the elementary grades were moved to the community center and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. "That worked out pretty well," Schwan said. "The air conditioner at the community center quit working though. I'm think they got it going again by the end the day."
• Schwan said he was not sure what will happen on Friday, yet. It's a wait and see. The heat index for today is expected to surpass the century mark today.
• Yesterday, Groton received .17 of rain in the morning. While the rain was welcomed, it increased the humidity and also brought out the mosquitoes. The city will be spraying for mosquitoes tonight, starting around 8:30 p.m.

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