Monday,  Aug. 26, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 42 • 28 of 29

(Continued from page 27)

John Paul I. (However, he died just over a month later.)
• In 1986, in the so-called preppie murder case, 18-year-old Jennifer Levin was found strangled in New York's Central Park; Robert Chambers later pleaded guilty to manslaughter and served 15 years in prison.
• In 1993, Dorothea Puente was convicted in Monterey, Calif., of murdering three of her boardinghouse tenants; she was later sentenced to life without parole. (Puente died in prison in 2011, at age 82.)

Ten years ago: In the face of criticism, President George W. Bush defended his handling of the war and reconstruction of Iraq, telling an American Legion conference in St. Louis the fight was essential to the U.S. campaign against terrorism. Investigators concluded that NASA's overconfident management and inattention to safety doomed the space shuttle Columbia as much as damage to the craft when it burned up on reentry in February 2003.
Five years ago: Hillary Rodham Clinton closed the book on her 2008 presidential bid by telling the Democratic National Convention in Denver the election wasn't about her and declaring herself a "proud supporter of Barack Obama." Russia recognized the independence claims of two Georgian breakaway regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Hurricane Gustav struck Haiti, causing widespread flooding and landslides; the storm went on to kill at least 78 people in the Caribbean. Major League Baseball announced umpires would be allowed to check video on home run "boundary calls" starting August 27.
One year ago: In the face of approaching Tropical Storm Isaac, Republicans pushed back the start of their national convention in Tampa, Fla., by a day. Lydia Ko, a 15-year-old South Korean-born New Zealander, won the Canadian Women's Open to become the youngest winner in LPGA Tour history and only the fifth amateur champion. Japan limited Tennessee's potent lineup to two hits in a 12-2 victory in the Little League World Series title game.

Today's Birthdays: Former Washington Post Executive Editor Benjamin C. Bradlee is 92. Actress Francine York is 77. Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is 68. Rhythm-and-blues singer Valerie Simpson is 67. Pop singer Bob Cowsill is 64. Actor Brett Cullen is 57. NBA coach Stan Van Gundy is 54. Jazz musician Branford Marsalis is 53. Country musician Jimmy Olander (Diamond Rio) is 52. Actor Chris Burke is 48. Actress-singer Shirley Manson (Garbage) is 47. Rock musician Dan Vickrey (Counting Crows) is 47. TV writer-actress Riley Weston is 47. Rock musician Adrian Young (No Doubt) is 44. Actress Melissa McCarthy is 43.

(Continued on page 29)

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