Sunday,  Aug. 18, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 34 • 4 of 23

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another day."
• I plan to smile until the day I die.
• I never really thought about plastic surgery, but perhaps my wife was right. Perhaps she could use a little face-lift. For me to get a facelift, the surgeons would need a huge construction crane. Then comes the awkward part, what do they do with my face after it was lifted?
• Women, more than men, are a little sensitive about their appearance. For a man, "appearance" means he showed up. A woman has an altogether different approach to the term "appearance."
• Some women look in the mirror and see where some improvements could be made. For example, they see bags under their eyes that could not get through the airport carry-on luggage size requirement.
• Then there is the problem with their nose, which could stand a little tweaking. For all practical purposes, one of those double chins has to go. Moreover, what woman couldn't use a tummy tuck and other snippings of the flesh?
• Believe me; I never would have brought it up, but if that makes my wife happy, then whatever it costs, we can put it on a credit card. The only problem with putting something like this on a credit card is that by the time you pay it off you need another procedure.
• She is worth it in my checkbook. I have no compunction whatsoever of writing out that check.
• Each day I checked the appointment calendar hanging on our refrigerator to find

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