Tuesday,  Aug. 13, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 29 • 22 of 29

(Continued from page 21)

left him "stuck in the middle like I have been for 32 years."
•  "Who's winning here?" Davis asked. "I lost my sister. All these people lost family members. He's losing his freedom. What do you really win here?"
•  The jury's decision came more than two years after Bulger's electrifying capture in California and 19 years after he became one of the nation's most notorious fugitives. It means Bulger, 83, is all but certain to spend the rest of his days in prison after sentencing in November, when even a term short of a life sentence could amount to one.
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Voters mad about NSA spying struggle to generate broader populist movement to stop it

•  WASHINGTON (AP) -- Charlotte Scot isn't one to take things lying down -- like the time President George W. Bush was re-elected and she moved to Canada in protest.
•  So when the 66-year-old artist from Old Lyme, Conn., heard that major telecommunications providers have been turning over data about every Americans' phone

calls to the government since 2006, Scot demanded that her own phone company tell her what, if anything, it had shared about her.
•  She soon received a non-response from an unnamed customer service representative informing her how to opt out of its marketing program, which only made Scot angrier.
•  "Dear Anonymous," Scot fired back in an email, "I have always opted out of all advertising emails. ... However, my question was not about advertising. It was about what information AT&T turns over to the federal government and NSA. I appreciate an answer to this question."
•  AT&T eventually responded with a link to its privacy policy and a promise that, while it doesn't comment on matters of national security, "we do comply with the law."
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Bloomberg decries ruling on NYC stop-and-frisk policy, warns of return to high crime

•  NEW YORK (AP) -- A federal judge's stinging rebuke of the police department's stop-and-frisk policy as discriminatory could usher in a return to the days of high vio

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