Saturday,  Aug. 10, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 26 • 10 of 31

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waving me in like crazy I kept on running and scored." He lost his helmet between second and third when he poured on the jets. Shabazz said, "I didn't know it was going over his head when I hit it" as it seemed the sun had a little help in the outcome.
•  The last of the scoring came in the bottom of the fifth when Adam Her

More Groton players warming up prior to the start of the Parkston game. (Photo by Mark Herman)

man reached on a fielders choice, then stole second and Knecht was walked. They both advanced on a passed ball and Alec Voss produced the game sealing big two out hit up the middle scoring the two runners. "It was a fastball right down the middle," Voss said. "We played how we needed to and got the win."
•  Catcher Dalchow added that "Spencer looked good and added some fire for us. He really did a good job."  Knecht said, "It was a hard fought game...we struggled with the bats, but came through when we needed to."
•  Groton was big in the clutch with all the runs scored with two outs. Knecht had their batters popping up a lot as catcher Dalchow,  third baseman Brady Keith and first baseman Wyatt Larson snagging the outs.

(Continued on page 11)

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