Saturday,  Aug. 03, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 20 • 23 of 27

(Continued from page 22)

rect and the company's 49 percent interest in Metro Boston, a free daily newspaper for commuters.
• Henry, in a statement published by the Globe, cited the "essential role that its journalists and employees play in Boston, throughout New England, and beyond."
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Security forces to cordon off pro-Morsi sit-in sites in bid to disperse street rallies

• CAIRO (AP) -- Authorities outlined plans Friday to break up two sit-ins by supporters of deposed President Mohammed Morsi, saying they would set up a cordon around the protest sites, and riot police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators threatening a TV complex.
• Morsi backers also showed their defiance by briefly setting up a third camp near the airport, but later folded their tents and left.
• The military-backed interim government seeks to end a political stalemate that has paralyzed Egypt and deeply divided the country. Supporters of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood say they will not disperse until he is returned to power.

• The second-ranking U.S. diplomat arrived in the Egyptian capital for talks on the political crisis, as Secretary of State John Kerry warned both sides that "the last thing we want is more violence."
• Also Friday, Amnesty International reported cases of alleged killings and torture at the hands of Morsi supporters inside the protest camps, saying that one man had his throat cut and another was stabbed to death.
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Weak global economy and manufacturing slump thwarting Obama 5-year goal to double exports

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Back in January 2010, President Barack Obama set a lofty goal of doubling U.S. exports in five years. With just 18 months to go to 2015, that target seems to be slipping beyond reach and has vanished from White House talking points.
• Blame tepid U.S. manufacturing growth, the lingering weak global economy, and a stronger U.S. dollar, which makes it harder to sell American goods and services overseas.
• Monthly export numbers have been mostly stagnant this year. And only a scant

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