Tuesday,  July 30, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 16 • 39 of 41

(Continued from page 38)

• More Americans say they favor financial help for rebuilding than relocating, and both options draw even greater support among those hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy.
• A survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research examined resilience following last year's superstorm, and found that among those living in the hardest-hit neighborhoods of New York and New Jersey, 79 percent said they favored government funding to help victims of such disasters rebuild in the same neighborhood.
• That doesn't mean they're opposed to policies encouraging relocation, though they are a bit less likely to back them -- 59 percent were in favor of state governments purchasing homes in disaster-stricken regions so residents can move to a safer area.
• That pattern follows the poll's findings nationwide: 65 percent support funding for rebuilding in the same location and 53 percent back government assistance with relocation.
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Weiner falls to 4th in new NYC mayoral poll while Cuomo remains silent on his bid

• NEW YORK (AP) -- New York City mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner plunged to fourth place among Democrats in a poll taken since he admitted to having illicit online exchanges with women even after he resigned from Congress amid a sexting scandal.
• The poll -- which Weiner led just five days ago -- also showed about half of likely Democratic voters saying Weiner should abandon his mayoral bid.
• Weiner's support fell from 26 percent last week to 16 percent in Monday's Quinnipiac University poll. Last week's survey was taken largely before Weiner's latest scandal was revealed.
• "He's in a free-fall," said poll director Maurice Carroll. "He can't win. He simply can't win."
• Standing side by side with his wife, Weiner admitted last week that he had tawdry online exchanges -- including X-rated photos -- with a then-22 year-old Indiana woman after he stepped down from Congress in 2011 over similar behavior. He later said he had similar exchanges with two other women after his resignation.

(Continued on page 40)

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