Wednesday,  July 24, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 10 • 24 of 27

(Continued from page 23)

world's media for the first time.
• The name of the new third in line to the throne hasn't been revealed yet. Bookmaker William Hill has George as the favorite name at 2-to-1 odds, with James at 4-to-1.
• Images of the prince, his little hand peeking above a white crocheted wrap, blanketed the front pages of newspapers Wednesday. The Daily Mail offered a photo album image with the headline "Baby's first royal wave."
• The prince slept through his debut public appearance -- though Prince William assured the media he had "a good pair of lungs on him."
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Crisis-weary Kuwait limps toward parliamentary elections with implications for nation, region

• KUWAIT CITY (AP) -- From boycotting ballots to storming parliament, each time Kuwait heads into parliamentary elections the backstory seems to overshadow the vote.
• Yet the revolving-door series of elections could have an impact not only on this tiny, oil-rich state, but also on fellow nations in the Gulf and the rest of the region.
• For the election Saturday to pick a new 50-seat parliament -- the most empowered elected political body in the Gulf -- there might be another boycott, but the real question is whether the vote will ease the internal pressures on Kuwait's Western-backed ruling dynasty.
• The challenges come from an emboldened opposition that includes groups ideologically linked to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood on the one hand, and on the other, liberals angered by crackdowns such as prison sentences over social media posts.
• Gulf Arab partners are closely watching the moves by Kuwait's Islamists, considered by the United Arab Emirates and others as part of wider networks seeking to bring down their pro-Western fraternity.
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Houses of the Rising Sun: Developers build homes that make more energy than they take

• NEW PALTZ, N.Y. (AP) -- Homes being built in this Hudson Valley cul-de-sac offer prospective buyers wooded lots, pretty views and -- oh yes -- the promise of thumbing your nose at the power utility.
• These "zero-net energy" homes will feature thick walls, solar panels and geother

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