Tuesday,  July 23, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 09 • 6 of 34

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we've had and when I think about all those things the excitement I experienced when I found out I could get free shipping on my bug zapper doesn't seem nearly as important....but it did make me happy!
• Have a wonderful week because I am going to and if I am, you should too! I am waiting patiently for your news and look very forward to hearing about all the fun things you've found to do.  You should have my number by now but just in case you don't it's 605-294-5874 or 605-294-6272 or 701-680-7255.  Email address is beverlypatterson555@yahoo.com.

Johnson has low score in Pro-Am Golf Tourney

• Reid Johnson turned in the lowest score to win the Amateur part of the 21st Annual Pro-Am Golf Tournament on Thursday at the Olive Grove Golf Course. Overall the tournament was well attended with 51 area amateur golfers and 21 professional golfers.
• Ryan Sperry won the Net Score division and Nick Delio, California,

5475: Reid Johnson lines up his shot during the ProAm Tournament on Thursday.

won the Pro division. In the team division, three amateurs were matched up with a pro to form 4-man teams. The team of Todd Ramsey, Drew Amacher, Steve Young and Christopher Evans won the team division.
• Pin Awards were won by Lionnel Brummer, Longest Putt on #9. Roger Colestock, Longest Putt on #6. Reid Johnson, Closest to the Pin on #4 and Bill Deutsch, Closest to the Pin on #8.
• Teams: 71, Todd Ramsey, Drew Amacher, Steve Young, Christopher Evans.; 70, Brad Waage, Roger Colestock, Craig Dunker, Jamie Estrada.; 68, Justin Hanson, T.J. Sperry, Ryan Sperry, Cody Vostad.; 67, Luke Kraft, Justin Remily, Dave Mattson, Peter Lansburgh.; 66, Randy Stanley, Bob Walter, Jordan Kline, Coy Breen; 66, Eric Moody, Jason Hill, Scott Kettering, R. Scott Pugh; 66, Lionel Bruem

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