Friday,  July 19, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 05 • 27 of 31

(Continued from page 26)

Tsarnaev and his brother, Tamerlan, who died following a shootout with police later that evening.
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Secretary Kerry meets negotiator after Palestinians insist Israel must accept border basis

• AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- After Palestinian leaders demanded further guarantees before restarting talks with Israel, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry discussed his ideas with the chief Palestinian negotiator in Amman on Friday.
• A stormy, high-level meeting of senior Palestinian leaders called to discuss U.S Kerry's latest peace proposal ended with a decision early Friday to demand that Israel agree on the general border of a future Palestinian state, officials said.
• The demand casts a cloud of uncertainty over months of U.S. mediation efforts because Israel rejects preconditions.
• Hoping to push Israelis and Palestinians toward talks, President Barack Obama asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to work with Kerry "to resume negotiations with Palestinians as soon as possible," according to a statement released by the White House late Thursday.
• No details were immediately available about Kerry's meeting with Erekat, which lasted about an hour. After a short break, they resumed their discussions.
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FACT CHECK: Obama injects misleading advertising in claims about health insurance rebates

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Another year, another round of exaggeration from President Barack Obama and his administration about health insurance rebates.
• In his speech defending his health care law Thursday, Obama said rebates averaging $100 are coming from insurance companies to 8.5 million Americans. In fact, most of the money is going straight to employers who provide health insurance, not to their workers, who benefit indirectly.
• Obama danced around that reality in remarks that also blamed problems in establishing affordable insurance markets on political opponents, glossing over complex obstacles also faced in states that support the law.
• A look at some of his claims and how they compare with the facts:
• --"Last year, millions of Americans opened letters from their insurance companies. But instead of the usual dread that comes from getting a bill, they were pleas

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