Monday,  July 15, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 002 • 5 of 32

Groton C&MA Vacation Bible School
Going into Space July 22-26

• If you are desiring your children to learn more about the Creation of the world through the Creator God, then you need to bring your children ages 4 through 6th grade to the OPERATION: SPACE Vacation Bible School at the Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, 706 N. Main, straight across from the Groton City Park, from July 22-26 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm each evening for an eye opening and heart changing experience with an excited staff of believers in God's love and compassion for us. 
• Throughout the week, there will be live (and lively) skits, music, crafts, recreation times outside, yummy snacks and stories of God's servants sharing God's story with us all, through the Book of the ages, the Bible. The VBS is published by the Institute for Creation Research and Answers-in-Genesis.
• Since 'Missionary' is our middle name, and we are a group of 'Christians' who have come together (Alliance) to support the mission to bring the Good News of Jesus to God's creation, we will have a missions offering, this year going to Groton's own Julia Grenz, who will be leaving around October 1st to become a teacher at the Beracha House orphanage in Northeast India.  The Groton Church families sponsor a number of the children there, and it is exciting to have one of our own young people going to touch the lives of some of our own 'adopted' children in that precious facility under director Alex Berberich.
• We invite all children to come and share in this special week of the year for our church family.  Learn about Creation, the Creator, and His desired destination for us all, through His Son Jesus Christ.

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