Sunday,  July 14, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 001 • 4 of 31

(Continued from page 3)

commercials are for things I have no interest in. Or, they are played at a very inappropriate time.
• It never fails if we are having our supper while watching television there are 79 commercials for diarrhea. Is this really a major problem in our country today?
• Getting back to my wife and the commercials, I responded as cheerfully as I could, "Well, my dear, somebody has to pay for our television viewing privilege."
• I felt a cold yet burning stare in my direction.
• "Can't they run those lousy commercials when I'm not watching TV?"
• Someone once said that silence is Golden and right then I cultivated a golden moment.
• Commercials are a way in which manufacturing companies influence our choices. Every product has 100 different companies marketing the same product. I have not done too much research but the little I have done I discovered that the same company makes the same product but sells it under a different name.
• There are two categories of products. There is the name brand, which cost a fortune. Then there is the generic brand, which is only a fraction of what the name brand cost. It is the same product, made by the same company, but advertised by difference venues.
• This is where choice comes in.
• Some people choose the high-priced product because they think it is better.
• Some of us choose the low-price product because we know better.

(Continued on page 5)

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