Friday,  July 12, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 355 • 3 of 34

Remember This . . ?

• The Groton Independent weekly newspaper was launched on the internet in June of 1998. Each week, a PDF file was created and published on the internet.
•  Then an early morning storm that blew through Groton that started the publishing of the Groton Daily Independent a year later.
• On the morning of Saturday, July 12, 1999, a storm caused much damage in the city. Instead of waiting until the print copy would come out the following Wednesday, it was decided to publish a special edition. By midmorning, pictures and stories from the storm hit the internet readers of the Groton Independent.
• Over the weekend, then publisher Paul Kosel, decided, "Why not a daily?" So on Monday, July 14, 1999, the Groton Daily was officially launched.
• Shortly after the daily was launched, the Groton Daily Independent was converted from a PDF file to HTML programming with Microsoft Publisher.
• The Groton Daily Independent became the first weekly paper in the state to have a daily presence on the internet. Now, instead of waiting until Wednesday to read what happened at meetings or sporting events, you can read them the next morning right here!

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