Wednesday,  July 03, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 347 • 28 of 31

(Continued from page 27)

• Sixty volunteer shoppers in 22 states checked retail prices for summer picnic foods for the American Farm Bureau Federation's survey.
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Judge to hear arguments over past school records in George Zimmerman's murder trial

• SANFORD, Fla. (AP) -- The judge in the George Zimmerman murder trial will hear arguments from attorneys about whether to allow evidence about a college criminal justice course he took that included course work on Florida's self-defense law.
• Judge Debra Nelson is hearing the arguments from attorneys Wednesday morning outside the jury's presence.
• The prosecution said the school records will show that Zimmerman had knowledge of the law, though the neighborhood watch volunteer maintained in an interview with Fox News last year that he didn't. The interview was played for the jury Tuesday.
• Prosecutors also are seeking to introduce a job application Zimmerman made to a police agency in Virginia in 2009 and an application to ride around with Sanford police officers in 2010.
• Defense attorneys believe the items are irrelevant and will be asking the judge to disallow them. He referred to the prosecution's efforts to introduce them as "a witch hunt."
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Annulment of Guatemala conviction shines light on indigenous community

• GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -- Life for the indigenous Ixil Mayans in the mountains west of Guatemala City is worn and static like an old photograph.
• Seventeen years after the end of a civil war that saw hundreds of their villages razed and thousands of their loved ones killed, the Ixil people still live in mud-and-wood houses in the most rugged and isolated parts of northwestern Guatemala. Most of them have no drinking water, paved roads or basic services such as health and education.
• Largely ignored by authorities for centuries, the Ixil came under the spotlight after a Guatemalan court found former dictator Efrain Rios Montt guilty of genocide on May 10 for the scorched-earth policies used against the Ixil during his 17 months in power in the 1980s.

(Continued on page 29)

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