Wednesday,  July 03, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 347 • 19 of 31

(Continued from page 18)

County commissioner.
• York County Commissioner Tom Shellington says he now understands landowners' argument that the intrusion isn't justified.
• "All we're doing here is putting the pipeline down, shipping the oil to Texas, refining it and sending it overseas. I just don't see much benefit for Nebraska -- but I don't know if we have any power if the president approves it."
• Opponents are asking county officials to push for noise restrictions during construction, local agreements to restore damaged land, and permitting fees for inspections and running a pipeline beneath county roads.
• In August, Nebraska opponents plan to erect two barns with solar panels and wind turbines directly in the pipeline's path -- a move designed to force developer TransCanada to run the pipeline around them or invoke eminent domain power to destroy them. Organizers have raised $10,000 of the $65,000 needed to build the structures.

Former SD firefighter among those killed in AZ

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- One of 19 elite firefighters killed while battling an Arizona wildfire previously worked in South Dakota.
• The South Dakota Division of Wildland Fire says 21-year-old Kevin Woyjeck previously served on the Bear Mountain Crew based in Rapid City and Custer State Park from November 2011 to August 2012. Woyjeck was among the firefighters killed at the Yarnell Fire in Arizona on Sunday.
• Woyjeck served on many fire assignments in Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming during the 2012 fire season.
• Dale Deuter, a retired Division of Wildland Fire Crew boss, called Woyjeck an "overachiever" in everything he did with firefighting. He says he was a friend to everyone on the crew and was well-liked.
• Funeral and memorial service arrangements are still pending.

Sioux tribes plan large-scale wind energy project
KRISTI EATON,Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A group of Sioux tribes in South Dakota are hoping to pump some much-needed revenue into their economies with an ambitious wind project, but some wind industry experts question whether the tribes understand the hurdles they face with such a large-scale development.
• Leaders from six Sioux tribes announced plans at last month's Clinton Global Ini

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