Monday,  July 01, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 345 • 21 of 26

(Continued from page 20)

who had been battling the protesters late Sunday fled the building overnight.
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Kerry shifts from Mideast to issues in Southeast Asia, testy US relations with China, Russia

• BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei (AP) -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry swapped his Mideast peace portfolio for issues in emerging Southeast Asia and road bumps in U.S. relations with Russia and China when he landed Monday in Brunei for a regional security conference.
• The tiny sultanate in the South China Sea, where he is attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum, is the last stop on Kerry's two-week tour of seven countries in Asia and the Middle East.
• He landed in Brunei's capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, after flying overnight from Tel Aviv, where he spent four days in long meetings trying to get Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. During the flight, Kerry got an update on the ongoing discussions by phone from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
• On the sidelines of the ASEAN conference, Kerry is scheduled to have a lengthy

chat with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that likely will center on the Syrian crisis. Russia is a key backer of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, who is fighting rebel forces that have been being armed by the U.S. and other nations.
• "Clearly, part of my conversation with Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Russians will be how we can maximize our efforts together to have an impact on this," Kerry said in Tel Aviv before he left Israel. "I'm not going to go into greater detail with respect to that conversation, but I very much look forward to meeting with Sergey Lavrov when I get there."
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Obama and Bush both heading to Tanzania's capital city, but the question is whether they meet

• DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (AP) -- President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush are planning to be in the same city a world away from home, but the question is whether they will get together.
• The Democratic president was to fly Monday into Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the last stop on a weeklong tour of Africa that wraps up Tuesday. His Republican predecessor coincidentally also plans to be there for a conference on African women or

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