Sunday,  June 30, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 344 • 3 of 26

10 Reasons Why Congress Must Act to Pass a
Food, Farm and Jobs Bill

• Getting a Food, Farm and Jobs Bill passed this year is essential - and it can't fall victim to politics as usual. Too much is at stake, and too many people lose out if Congress can't act.  Here are 10 good reasons why Congress must take action as soon as possible to achieve passage of a Farm Bill this year:
• America's farmers, ranchers and producers need certainty about the next five years of U.S. farm policy, to continue the recent momentum of the U.S. agricultural economy and rising farm income.
• Livestock producers need disaster assistance applied retroactively, in light of a long-term drought that has forced the liquidation of herds to the lowest level in decades.

(Continued on page 4)

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