Monday,  June 24, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 338 • 25 of 38

(Continued from page 24)

• Yost, whose husband died in 2008, said she's looking forward to returning to Manchester for the potluck.
• "It's very, very special to go back there," she said. "I'm looking forward to seeing the people, too."
• It can be a bit sad to return and not see the familiar buildings, but Yost returns to the words of her short story for peace.
• "Manchester has seen many changes. But one thing will never change," she wrote. "Each year in June, the purple phlox will bloom again."

SD landowners urged to check for grasshoppers

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Agriculture Department is urging farmers and ranchers to check their land for grasshopper infestations.
• State Agriculture Secretary Lucas Lentsch says now is the best time to scout for grasshoppers. He says early scouting is the key to managing the insects.
• Mike Stenson of the Agriculture Department says last summer's drought conditions may have helped reduce the potential for an outbreak of grasshoppers this summer because late-hatching species had limited green vegetation to eat. He says this spring's cool, wet weather helped suppress species hatching at that time.
• Stenson says a large-scale outbreak is unlikely this summer. But he says farmers and ranchers should remember the best time to kill grasshoppers with pesticide is when they are young.

New campground opens at Fisher Grove State Park

• REDFIELD, S.D. (AP) -- Fisher Grove State Park has opened a new 22-site campground.
• The campground at the park near Redfield was moved to the east side of the James River after repeated flooding made the bridge unsafe for vehicles.
• The new location includes 22 electrical campsites, a new comfort station and a dump station. It sits near the existing playground, picnic area and golf course.
• "This new campground will provide a wonderful camping experience for the Redfield area," said
• District park manager Becky Graff says with the constant flooding the last few years, local campers have had to travel out of the area to enjoy state park campsites.
• The park is completing some final touches, but work is expected to be done by July 4.

(Continued on page 26)

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