Thursday,  May 30, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 314 • 21 of 36

(Continued from page 20)

million in capital surplus funds, including $63,000 for a digital projector at the State Theatre.
• Some councilors agree with this idea and are taking the right approach: We can take care of it without raising taxes to do it. Others want to see what it costs, while at least one says we should take the federal money.
• This country has financial problems, in part, because cities have just taken the money. Little by little, just because someone qualifies, the federal government provides help even if a city such as Sioux Falls can afford to take care of an emergency by itself.
• There are projects, some such as Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, that desperately need federal money to deliver water in the area. All we have to do is look at the tornado in Oklahoma to realize there are weather-related emergencies that are far, far worse than our ice storm.
• Even Minnehaha and Lincoln counties, which also have applied for federal aid for storm damage expenses, may be justified to take the money. They are financially in a different position than the city.
• We, however, just don't need the money in Sioux Falls.

• We can be independent. We're just fine.
• ___
• Capital Journal, Pierre, May 22, 2013
• It's another title for Title Town
• Chances are you've already read the sports story on our front page and maybe on our sports section before you got to this part of the newspaper, because sports is once again the big news of the day. For the third time this year, T.F. Riggs High School has claimed a state championship for its athletic programs, in girls' golf this time.
• It's the first time the Lady Govs have won the state AA golf title, but no one should be surprised. After all, Pierre's girl golfers came in second in last year's state tournament, and they're led by Hallie Getz, who has just won the title as the state's best golfer in girls' competition for the second year in a row.
• The team was in second place on Monday, but rallied in Tuesday's play as Getz cruised to her individual title.
• What has seemed remarkable all year is how well the team performed for being without a course for so long after the flood of 2011 kept people off the course for all of 2012.
• The golf title is a nice addition to the hardware the T.F. Riggs program's collected

(Continued on page 22)

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