Tuesday,  May 28, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 312 • 27 of 31 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

in Zhejiang province in eastern China on Saturday and notified authorities, according to the state-run news site Zhejiang News. A video of the two-hour rescue that followed was broadcast widely on Chinese news programs and websites late Monday and Tuesday.
• The child -- named Baby No. 59 from the number of his hospital incubator -- was reported safe in a nearby hospital, and news of the rescue prompted an outpouring from strangers who came to the hospital with diapers, baby clothes, powdered milk and offers to adopt the child.
• Police are treating the case as an attempted homicide, and are looking for the mother and anyone else involved in the incident.
• The landlord of the building in Pujiang county told Zhejiang News that it was unlikely the birth took place in the toilet room because there was no evidence of blood and she was not aware of any recent pregnancies among her tenants.
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Rutgers stands by incoming AD Julie Hermann despite allegations of abuse during coaching days

• NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Rutgers is standing by its incoming athletic director despite allegations she humiliated and verbally abused players during her coaching days, with the embattled president of the prominent university saying he is looking forward to her first day on the job.
• It's the latest in a series of difficulties for the school, which lost its previous men's basketball coach and chief athletic executive to an abuse scandal, and then had to acknowledge its new men's coach had not graduated from Rutgers after it previously said he did.
• Julie Herrman officially takes over the athletic department on June 17, and on Monday she said she plans to be in the position on that date. And the university is standing behind her.
• "I never considered withdrawing because I feel very qualified to lead Rutgers into the future and into the transition into the Big Ten (Conference)," Hermann said during a conference call in response to a report in the Star-Ledger of Newark. "And I do feel the support of the Rutgers community."
• President Robert Barchi said in a statement that the university looks forward to her running the athletic department. He added that she was the best of the 63 candidates interviewed for the job of succeeding Tim Pernetti.
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