Sunday,  May 26, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 310 • 32 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 31)

• In 1952, representatives of the United States, Britain, France and West Germany signed the Bonn Convention granting conditional sovereignty to, and ending the Allied occupation of, West Germany.
• In 1960, U.N. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge accused the Soviets of hiding a microphone inside a wood carving of the Great Seal of the United States that had been presented to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
• In 1969, the Apollo 10 astronauts returned to Earth after a successful eight-day dress rehearsal for the first manned moon landing.
• In 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in Moscow. (The U.S. withdrew from the treaty in 2002.)
• In 1981, 14 people were killed when a Marine jet crashed onto the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off Florida.
• In 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court made it far more difficult for police to be sued by people hurt during high-speed chases. The Supreme Court ruled that Ellis Island -- historic gateway for millions of immigrants -- is mainly in New Jersey, not New York.

Ten years ago: Angering hard-liners, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared in a speech to his Likud Party that he was determined to reach a peace deal and end 36 years of rule over the Palestinians. An airplane carrying Spanish peacekeepers returning from Afghanistan crashed in Turkey, killing all 75 people aboard.
Five years ago: President George W. Bush paid a Memorial Day tribute to America's fighting men and women who died in battle, saying national leaders must have "the courage and character to follow their lead" in preserving peace and freedom. Chinese officials said they would waive their one-child policy for families with a child who was killed, severely injured or disabled in the country's devastating earthquake. Oscar-winning movie director Sydney Pollack died in Los Angeles at age 73. Composer Earle H. Hagen, who wrote the themes for "The Andy Griffith Show," ''I Spy," ''The Mod Squad" and other TV shows, died in Rancho Mirage, Calif., at age 88.
One year ago: Gruesome video showed rows of dead Syrian children lying in a mosque in Houla, haunting images of what activists called one of the deadliest regime attacks yet in Syria's 14-month-old uprising. International space station astronauts floated into the Dragon, a day after its heralded arrival as the world's first commercial supply ship.

Today's Birthdays: Actor Alec McCowen is 88. Sportscaster Brent Musberger is

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