Tuesday,  May 21, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 305 • 32 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 31)

• The Vatican was more cautious Tuesday, saying Francis "didn't intend to perform any exorcism. But as he often does for the sick or suffering, he simply intended to pray for someone."
• Fueling the speculation is Francis' obsession with the devil, a frequent subject of his homilies.

Today in History
  • The Associated Press

• Today is Tuesday, May 21, the 141st day of 2013. There are 224 days left in the year.

• Today's Highlight in History:
• On May 21, 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean as she landed in Northern Ireland, about 15 hours after leaving Newfoundland.

• On this date:
• In 1471, King Henry VI of England died in the Tower of London at age 49.
• In 1542, Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto died while searching for gold along the Mississippi River.
• In 1863, the Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially organized.
• In 1881, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.
• In 1892, the opera "Pagliacci," by Ruggero Leoncavallo, premiered in Milan, Italy.
• In 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh landed his Spirit of St. Louis near Paris, completing the first solo airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 33½ hours.
• In 1941, a German U-boat sank the American merchant steamship SS Robin Moor in the South Atlantic after the ship's passengers and crew were allowed to board lifeboats.
• In 1956, the United States exploded the first airborne hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll in the Pacific.
• In 1959, the musical "Gypsy," inspired by the life of stripper Gypsy Rose Lee, opened on Broadway with Ethel Merman starring as Mama Rose.
• In 1972, Michelangelo's Pieta, on display at the Vatican, was damaged by a hammer-wielding man who shouted he was Jesus Christ.
• In 1982, during the Falklands War, British amphibious forces landed on the

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