Tuesday,  May 21, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 305 • 17 of 33 •  Other Editions

News from the

New technology grants available for SD schools

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota schools can now begin applying for two new kinds of grants approved by this year's Legislature.
• The Legislature set aside $500,000 for grants that are intended to help teachers use technology in innovative ways. Public school districts, teachers and Education Service Agencies can submit applications until July 8.
• Lawmakers also provided $500,000 for grants that will help public school districts upgrade their technology infrastructure. Applications will be accepted until June 15.

Crews teaching lifesaving skills during EMS week

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Sioux Falls Fire Rescue is teaching lifesaving skills this week as part of National EMS Week.
• Crews will be at Empire Mall from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day to teach CPR and show residents how to use an Automated External Defibrillator. They'll also show people how to understand and download the free PulsePoint smart phone app, which notifies users when an emergency happens in a public place.
• National EMS Week runs through May 25.

Neb. Patrol: Vandalism in Whiteclay 'concerning'
GRANT SCHULTE,Associated Press

• LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -- State law enforcement officers were helping patrol a small Nebraska town Monday following the vandalism of two beer trucks earlier this month near a South Dakota Indian reservation where alcohol is banned.
• Col. David Sankey, the superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol, said more officers will keep watch on the tiny Nebraska town of Whiteclay during beer deliveries because of an uptick in vandalism from protesters opposing beer sales.
• Whiteclay sits on the border of South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a poverty-stricken area that prohibits alcohol but is nonetheless plagued by alcoholism.
• Activists have protested in Whiteclay for decades with marches, campsites and road blockades designed to stop alcohol from crossing into the reservation. The Oglala Sioux tribal government filed an unsuccessful federal lawsuit last year that

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