Sunday,  May 19, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 303 • 5 of 26 •  Other Editions

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people left in the world anymore. Perhaps they were thinking of those days when people had to work their butts off making a living. Now, no such activity is being exercised in our country.
• Now that pigs are going to be able to fly the friendly skies, what's next?
• I have endured all kinds of people during my years of flying. Now, not only do I have to share my seat with suffocating, boring, chatty people, but also I need to make room for pigs.
• Who was it that made this decision? Who was it that sat down and said, "You know, I think it would be a good idea if we allowed pigs to fly on airplanes."
• It is obvious that the people who made this decision are not familiar with pigs. Perhaps they were thinking of Porky Pig. Now, there is a pig I would not mind traveling with in the friendly skies. The conversation would probably be better than some of the conversations I have had in similar situations. Of course, his stuttering might drive me crazy.
• Being a country boy, I know what a pig is. My grandfather used to raise pigs, so, I have been around pigs and know what they are like and, most importantly, how bad they smell. It is a well-known fact that the reason pigs have such large snouts is because they smell so bad. And they enjoy smelling bad.
• I can think of one reason why the airlines want to include pigs in the list of passengers. Most of them serve food only a pig would like.
• I know that being "politically correct" is a mandate in our culture. I further know that criticizing stupidity in our culture is a huge no-no. In fact, to recognize such absurdity is a reflection upon your character. For anybody to think that a pig does not

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