Thursday,  May 16, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 300 • 22 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

dress our water resource needs," Heitkamp said in a statement.
• The corps has proposed a fee system that would designate some water in the reservoirs as surplus because it hasn't been used for purposes authorized when dams were built.
• Thune said South Dakotans should not be charged for water that is legally and historically theirs.
• "The Corps' surplus water fee proposal ignores the history and precedent of the Missouri River states' water rights, and our common-sense legislation prevents a massive power grab by the Corps and ensures that the federal government honors the long-standing agreements between these Missouri River states and the Corps of Engineers," he said in a statement.
• The senators say the proposed fees would violate states' rights to waters that naturally flow through their boundaries. The states have promised to sue if fees are charged.
• The corps has issued free permits to tap surplus water to oil drillers and other industrial users until a national policy is developed.
• Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., said the amendment provides a good resolution to

the legitimate concerns raised by our states and tribes.
• "The tribes and communities in South Dakota that depend on Missouri River water for safe, reliable drinking water should not face additional charges for the water coming from the reservoirs," Johnson said in a statement.

Forecasters: US midsection could see bad weather

• NORMAN, Okla. (AP) -- Forecasters say portions of the central United States could see severe weather this weekend and Monday.
• The Storm Prediction Center at Norman, Okla., said Wednesday a bout of "fairly substantial" bad weather is possible in Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas on Saturday, from Oklahoma to Iowa on Sunday and from Oklahoma to Illinois on Monday.
• Storms could become steadily worse through the period -- starting with hail and high winds Saturday and evolving into a system with tornadoes possible by Monday in Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.
• The bad weather could extend into Tuesday but forecasters said a longer term storm prediction was not possible yet.

(Continued on page 23)

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