Monday,  May 13, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 297 • 21 of 28 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 20)

• "This is a failure, it needs to be investigated. Our committee can investigate. Now, Ambassador Pickering, his people and he refused to come before our committee," Issa said Sunday.
• Pickering, sitting next to Issa during an appearance on one Sunday show, disputed the chairman's account and said that he was willing to testify before the committee.
• "That is not true," said the former top diplomat, referring to Issa's claim that he refused to appear before the committee. Pickering has served in Republican as well as Democratic administrations.
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Cancer patients and others taking pricey drugs could pay thousands in health overhaul plans

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cancer patients could face high costs for medications under President Barack Obama's health care law, industry analysts and advocates warn.
• Where you live could make a huge difference in what you'll pay.
• To try to keep premiums low, some states are allowing insurers to charge patients a hefty share of the cost for expensive medications used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other life-altering chronic diseases.
• Such "specialty drugs" can cost thousands of dollars a month, and in California, patients would pay up to 30 percent of the cost. For one widely used cancer drug, Gleevec, the patient could pay more than $2,000 for a month's supply, says the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
• New York is taking a different approach, setting flat dollar copayments for medications. The highest is $70, and it would apply to specialty drugs as well.
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Police vow to solve shooting that wounded 19 people during Mother's Day parade in New Orleans

• NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- New Orleans police vowed to swiftly track down the gunmen who wounded 19 people at a neighborhood Mother's Day parade, the latest case of violence flaring up around a celebration in the city this year.
• Detectives were conducting interviews, collecting any surveillance video they could find and gathering evidence from the scene where gunmen opened fire Sunday on the parade of hundreds of revelers. Cell phone video taken in the aftermath of the shooting shows victims lying on the ground, blood on the pavement and oth

(Continued on page 22)

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