Friday,  May 10, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 294 • 2 of 29 •  Other Editions

Friday, May 10
School Breakfast: Waffle, links, juice, milk, fruit.
School Lunch: Nachos, tater tots, carrots and dip, fruit.
Anniv: John & Anita Lowary
Birthday: Lee Hjermstad
6:30am: Men's Bible study at DQ
10:00am: NEC Girls golf at Redfield

Saturday, May 11
9:00am: U11B Dynamo vs. Liverpool SC10-4
9:00am: U6G Prancing Tigers vs. Queens SC6-6
9:00am: U7G Kit Kats vs. Bengals SC8-6
10:00am: U5G Purring Tigers vs. Tiny Tigers SC6-1
10:30am: U12-14G Revolution vs. Avalanche SC12-1
10:30am: U8G Tiggers vs. Wild Kittens SC8-2
10:30am: U9B Barcelona vs. Fire SC10-2
11:00am: NEC Track at Sisseton
12:00pm: U5B Growling Tigers vs Earthquakes SC6-4
12:00pm: U6B Roaring Tigers vs. Bombers SC6-2
12:00pm: U7B Tigers vs. Dynasty SC8-6
1:30pm: U10G Galaxy vs. Shock SC10-2
1:30pm: U8B Crew vs. Fire SC8-4

Sunday, May 12
Mother's Day
9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship (SS Sings, Honor HIS Graduates)
9:15am: Groton C&MA School
10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow
10:15am: Emmanuel Lutheran School
10:15am: Groton C&MA Fellowship Lunch
10:45am: Groton C&MA Worship service (Mother's Day/Graduation)
11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship

Monday, May 13
School Breakfast: Muffin, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Hot dog or brats, chips, baked beans, brownie.
6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study
6:00pm: U11B Dynamo vs. Tiger Claws SC10-5
6:00pm: U12-14B United vs. Brazil SC12-3

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