Wednesday,  May 8, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 292 • 9 of 42 •  Other Editions

Boys Basketball Team Award winners were: Kyler Ell, Most Improved Player; Reilly Ell, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Spencer Knecht, Hustler Award; Mason Madsen, Most Valuable Defensive Player; Kasey Kurtz, Hustler Award. (Photo #4057 by Char Telkamp)

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ther was the Rookie of the Year
• The Boys Soccer Team Awards were presented by Head Coach Mike Becker. Team award winners were: Eh Khu Poe, Rookie of the Year; Jerrett Adler, Spirit of the Game; Nikolai Pyatt, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Sheady Htoo, Most Valuable Player and Landon Larson was the Most Valuable Defensive Player.
• Head Track Coach Brain Schuring highlighted about the ongoing track season. Weather has prevented the teams from competing outside until this last week. They will receive their awards at the end of the season.
• The Richard Duerre Student Athlete Memorial Scholarship is given to one male and one female athlete each year. This year's recipients were Erica Schuster and Toby Carda.

- Char Telkamp

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