Wednesday,  May 8, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 292 • 35 of 42 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 34)

hood, seemed shaken by the 2004 disappearance of Gina DeJesus and another teenager who went missing the year before.
• Now he and his brothers are in custody after a frantic 911 call led police to his run-down house, where authorities say DeJesus and two other women missing for about a decade were held captive.
• No charges have been filed against the men, but they could appear in court as early as Wednesday morning.
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The block where 3 missing women found a friendly but careful neighborhood

• CLEVELAND (AP) -- The block where horror happened has many faces.
• On one end, magnificent stained-glass windows rise two stories up a handsome brick church. At the other end, truck bays open into a bleak warehouse. In between are about 20 houses, some tidy, some with boards or broken glass instead of windows. Back yards melt into a block-long cemetery filled with long grass and crooked tombstones.
• In the middle of the Seymour Avenue block stands the home where, authorities say, three young women who vanished a decade ago or more were held captive by a school bus driver and his two brothers.
• What kind of place could hide such a terrible secret for so long? And how? On Tuesday, neighborhood residents described a compact world, friendly but cautious, where people keep their heads down and police don't always protect or serve.
• The three women disappeared near this block, which locals call simply "Seymour." It's considered a decent place to live in this poor, largely Puerto Rican section of Cleveland's west side, where stores sell used computers, furniture is rentable, tattoos adorn everyone from teens to grandmas, and you might encounter a pig in a backyard or two.
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GOP investigation into Libya assault stokes political controversy with 2016 implications

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans insist the Obama administration is covering up information about last year's deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, rejecting administration assurances to the contrary and stoking a controversy with implications for the 2016 presidential race.

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