Wednesday,  May 8, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 292 • 2 of 42 •  Other Editions

Wednesday, May 8
Graduation Rehearsal for seniors in the morning
School Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, fruit, juice, milk, yogurt.
School Lunch: Cook's Choice.
Birthdays: Austin Jones • Dale Kramer • John Lowary • Shonna Harry
7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study
12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center
4:10pm: United Methodist Confirmation
6:00 pm: Groton C&MA Governing Board Meeting
6:10pm: United Methodist WOW Worship
7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Confirmation (youth and parents)
7:00pm: Groton C&MA: Midweek Family Night: Kids' Klub. Alliance Youth and Adult Bible Study of Revelation
7:00pm: UMYF
7:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran 6th Graders join Confirmation

Thursday, May 9
School Breakfast: Breakfast bagel, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Meatballs, baked potato, green beans, fruit, tea bun.
Birthday: April Abeln
10:00am: JH NEC Track at Milbank
4:30pm: Women's Bible study at Groton C&MA Church
6:00pm: U10G Galaxy vs. Silverstars SC10-6
6:00pm: U5B Growling Tigers vs. Lightning SC6-2
6:00pm: U6B Roaring Tigers vs. Grenades SC6-5
6:00pm: U6G Prancing Tigers vs. Princesses SC6-8
7:30pm: U8G Tiggers vs. Fury SC8-6

Friday, May 10
School Breakfast: Waffle, links, juice, milk, fruit.
School Lunch: Nachos, tater tots, carrots and dip, fruit.
Anniv: John & Anita Lowary
Birthday: Lee Hjermstad
6:30am: Men's Bible study at DQ
10:00am: NEC Girls golf at Redfield

Saturday, May 11
9:00am: U11B Dynamo vs. Liverpool SC10-4
9:00am: U6G Prancing Tigers vs. Queens SC6-6

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