Wednesday,  May 1, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 285 • 29 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

FDA allowing 15-year-olds with ID to buy morning-after pill over the counter

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a surprise twist to the decade-plus effort to ease access to morning-after pills, the government is lowering the age limit to 15 for one brand -- Plan B One-Step -- and will let it be sold over the counter.
• Today, Plan B and its generic competition are sold behind pharmacy counters, and people must prove they're 17 or older to buy the emergency contraception without a prescription. A federal judge had ordered an end to those sales restrictions by next Monday.
• But Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration approved a different approach: Plan B could sit on drugstore shelves next to condoms, spermicides or other women's health products -- but to make the purchase, buyers must prove they're 15 or older at the cash register.
• Manufacturer Teva Women's Health, which had applied for the compromise path, said it planned to make the switch in a few months.
• The question is whether Tuesday's action settles the larger court fight. Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Edward Korman of New York blasted the Obama administration for imposing the age-17 limit, saying it had let election-year politics trump science and were making it hard for women of any age to obtain emergency contraception in time for it to work.
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Ayotte defends vote against gun control; daughter of Newtown victim confronts her

• WARREN, N.H. (AP) -- A woman whose mother was killed in last year's school shooting in Newtown, Conn., confronted Sen. Kelly Ayotte Tuesday during the senator's first public appearance in New Hampshire since voting against gun control legislation.
• About 150 people attended the town hall meeting, where Ayotte defended her vote against a bill that would have required criminal and mental health background checks for people buying guns online or at gun shows.
• After the vote two weeks ago, the New Hampshire Republican, a former prosecutor, expressed concern that expanded background checks could harm the rights of gun owners.

(Continued on page 32)

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