Saturday,  April 20, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 275 • 12 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 11)

of 2013 will have graduated.  I'd like to extend my congratulations to each of them on their accomplishments and wish them all the very best in their future endeavors.  I believe these young men and women have skills and qualities that have been developed through their own efforts and the support of their parents, teachers, and friends which they'll need to make the most of themselves.  Congratulations and good luck!
• Sincerely,
• Joseph Schwan, 6-12 Principal

(Continued on page 13)

These are some of the high school staff members took part in the wellness program during the school year. Pictured in back, left to right, are Jan Hoffman, Bill Duncan, Mary Johnson, Connie Stauch, Kendra Ketner, Aaron Helvig, Nicole Johnson, Tricia Schmidt, Becky Erickson, Meri Erickson, April Coyne, Lisa Kippley, Lindsey Tietz and Adam Franken; in front, left to right, are Cheryl Tewksbury, Jana Duncan, Jodi Sternhagen, Katie Fadness, Sue Wattier, Sarah Hanten, Brenda Madsen and Jan Siebel.

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