Wednesday,  April 17, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 272 • 5 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

Seventh Graders
• 4.0 GPA: None
3.99-3.50: Jenifer Fjelstad, Alexis Gustafson, Anthony Sippel, Madilyn Wright, Hayden Pigors, Madison Sippel, Lisa Taylor
• 3.49-3.00: Hannah Lewandowski, Alexandra Stange, Marshall Lane, Gia Gengerke, Brandon Keith, Emilie Crosby, Hattie Weismantel, Mitchel Thurston

Sixth Graders
• 4.0 GPA: AnneMarie Smith
• 3.99-3.50: Cassandra Townsend, Kasey Hinman, Tylan Glover, Alexis Simon, Jennie Doeden, Emily Thompson
• 3.49-3.00: Taylor Holm, Kaitlyn Anderson, Maggie Crosby, Kylie Kassube, Shyla Larson, Kaitlyn Kassube, Micah Poor, Samantha Menzia, Korbin Blackmun

Here comes Yogi!

The pink shows the winter storm warning and the blue is the winter storm watch. The watch is in effect Wednesday evening through Thursday evening. Four to seven inches of snow, with higher amounts, are possible with Yogi.

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